Government case studies

Government is leading the way in implementing eInvoicing in New Zealand. Discover stories from agencies who are a step ahead.

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The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is leading the way for government eInvoicing

Since going live with receive capability in July 2023 as at May, 13.4% of all MSD departmental invoices are processed as eInvoices – 94% of which are paid within 5 days.

MBIE proves value of eInvoicing by paying their suppliers faster

The government agency rolling out eInvoicing to the New Zealand business community is leading the way. The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is getting its suppliers on board and showing them how much it can speed up payments.

eInvoicing implementation 101 with Waipā District Council

Change in any large organisation can be challenging, especially when it comes to IT. For Waipā District Council, with a goal to improve the efficiency of its systems and processes, implementing eInvoicing turned out to be a smooth process.

Treasury’s personal touch to switch suppliers to eInvoicing

eInvoicing is being implemented across New Zealand and is expected to deliver over $4.4 Billion in productivity savings to businesses in New Zealand over 10 years. Treasury is one of the early adopters of eInvoicing.

Last updated: 01 August 2024