Advice for businesses trading with government

The New Zealand Government is committed to sending and receiving eInvoices from their trading partners.

Government prefers eInvoices

Central Government agencies prefer to receive eInvoices instead of emailed PDF invoices from their suppliers. Over time, many will also be able to send eInvoices to their customers. It will soon become the default way of invoicing government.

Wider government is also adopting eInvoicing.

To send eInvoices to government you’ll first need accounting or invoicing software that can send eInvoices.

To find out more about this, check here:

Sending eInvoices to government agencies relies on 2 things:

  1. The government agency’s New Zealand Business Number (NZBN ) – this ensures your eInvoices get to the right government agency.
  2. The specific invoice reference requirements for that agency.

Central government agencies invoice reference requirements (for suppliers)

Invoice reference requirements guide

It’s important to follow the relevant Central Government agency’s invoice reference requirements – it’ll help you get paid faster.

Invoice Reference Requirements for Central Government Agencies – April 2024 [PDF, 97 KB]

eInvoicing capable government agencies

Government agency NZBN eInvoicing capability
Accident Compensation Corporation 9429041900253 Receive only
Buller District Council 9429041899960 Receive only
Christchurch City Council  9429000003339 Receive only
Department of Conservation 9429000028295 Receive only
Department of Corrections 9429041904909 Receive only
Department of Internal Affairs 9429041904916 Receive only
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet CROWN 9429310614300 Receive only
Department of The Prime Minister and Cabinet 9429041904923 Receive only
Education Review Office 9429041901809 Receive only
External Reporting Board 9429041902059 Receive only
He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission 9429050347780 Receive only
Inland Revenue Department 9429041926024 Receive only
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities 9429047717602 Receive only
Land Information New Zealand 9429000003711 Receive only
Ministry for Culture and Heritage 9429041908846 Receive only
Ministry for Culture and Heritage CROWN 9429310614331 Receive only
Ministry for Regulation 9429051927295 Receive only
Ministry for the Environment 9429041908853 Receive only
Ministry for Women 9429041908860 Receive only
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 9429000106078 Receive only
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment CROWN 9429310665692 Receive only
Ministry of Defence 9429041908877 Receive only
Ministry of Education 9429041908884 Receive only
Ministry of Health 9429000082440 Receive only
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 9429047143937 Receive only
Ministry of Justice 9429041908907 Receive only
Ministry of Social Development 9429000062299 Send and receive
Ministry of Transport 9429041908921 Receive only
New Zealand Customs Service 9429041909867 Receive only
New Zealand Infrastructure Commission/Te Waihanga 9429047977785 Receive only
New Zealand Police 9429041909966 Receive only
NIWA 9429032543292 Receive only
Office for Maori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti 9429047535442 Receive only
Oranga Tamariki 9429046196057 Receive only
Pāmu (Landcorp Farming Limited) 9429039618191 Receive only
Privacy Commissioner 9429041913161 Receive only
Public Service Commission 9429041921548 Receive only
Public Service Commission CROWN 9429310614317 Receive only
Reserve Bank of New Zealand 9429041917886 Receive only
Serious Fraud Office 9429041915349 Receive only
Social Wellbeing Agency 9429046891341 Receive only
Stats NZ 9429000014489 Receive only
Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Māori Development) 9429041919729 Receive only
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (the Māori Language Commission) 9429041919804 Receive only
The Treasury 9429041920244 Receive only
The Treasury CROWN 9429310614263 Receive only
Waipa District Council 9429041922514 Receive only
Wellington City Council 9429000017527 Receive only
Westland District Council 9429041923603 Receive only
Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People 9429050679881 Receive only

Government agencies not yet able to receive eInvoices

Government entities NZBN eInvoicing status
Crown Law Office 9429041904718 Receive capable in July 2024
Government Communications Security Bureau 9429041903223 Receive capable date TBC
Ministry for Pacific Peoples 9429041908914 Receive capable date TBC
Ministry for Primary Industries 9429000096157 Receive capable in May 2024
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9429041908891 Receive capable in June 2024
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service 9429041910030 Receive capable date TBC
Last updated: 13 August 2024