Advice for small and medium businesses

eInvoicing brings financial, operational and strategic benefits to businesses of all sizes – and this means SMEs too! Join thousands of New Zealand SMEs and see how eInvoicing can simplify and automate the exchange and processing of invoices to save time for your business.

What’s in it for small business?

eInvoicing cuts down the admin burden for small businesses, helps them get paid faster and frees up time for other more important tasks.

It’s also easy! 86% of respondents to MBIE’s recent supplier eInvoicing survey rated their experience as either “great” or “excellent”.

Step 1 – Getting set up for eInvoicing

You’ll first need software that can send and receive eInvoices. If your business uses Xero or MYOB, this step is easy.

If your business uses Xero/MYOB

Xero Business Edition and MYOB Business users can easily send and receive eInvoices now for free.

If your business doesn’t use Xero/MYOB

If you don’t use Xero or MYOB, check if your finance or accounting system is on the eInvoicing ready software list.

eInvoicing ready software list

Check the list of eInvoicing enabled software

Can’t see your software on the list?

Ask your provider when they plan to add eInvoicing, or if they have an integration with any of solutions listed. If you don’t use accounting software systems, or don’t issue many invoices, there are free eInvoicing online portals with basic eInvoicing capabilities available.

Get registered for eInvoicing

Businesses need to register to be able to receive eInvoices.

Follow your software provider or Access Point Provider’s instructions and have your NZ Business Number (NZBN) handy. This number is the unique global identifier that ensures your suppliers’ eInvoices reach you. If you don’t have one already, it’s easy and free to get one.

Find or register for an NZBN

If you don’t already have an NZBN, it’s easy to sign up at the link below.

Find or register for an NZBN(external link) — New Zealand Business Number

Step 2 – Exchanging eInvoices with your trading partners

Once you’ve set up the software needed to start eInvoicing, the next step is to exchange eInvoices with your trading partners:

  • Receiving eInvoices from your suppliers
  • Sending eInvoices to your buyers.

Receiving eInvoices

Once you’re registered for eInvoicing, let your suppliers know that you’d prefer to receive eInvoices – not a PDF invoice by email. They’ll need your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) to send you an eInvoice, and they’ll need to be able to send eInvoices themselves.

Check out the communications toolkit which includes sample emails to help you encourage your suppliers to move to sending you eInvoices.

Watch: Getting ready to receive eInvoices
eInvoicing communications toolkit getting your suppliers ready to send you eInvoices

eInvoicing communications toolkit: Getting your suppliers ready to send you eInvoices [DOCX, 1.1 MB]

Sending eInvoices

Most businesses already have easy and affordable access to eInvoicing capability through their accounting software. This includes common enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (for example, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft) and SME accounting software (for example, Xero and MYOB). So, chances are most of your buyers may be able to receive eInvoices from you.

To start sending eInvoices you’ll need your buyers’ NZBNs (New Zealand Business Number) and add this to each customer record in your accounting or invoice system.

The NZBN is the address for eInvoicing (rather than your buyer’s email address) – it’s how the system knows who to send the invoice to.

Watch: Getting started to send eInvoices
List of NZ business registered to receive eInvoices

Check the list of all NZ businesses that are registered to receive eInvoices to see if your buyers are on the list and get their NZBNs. Or, you could ask your buyers for their NZBN and check if they connected to the eInvoicing network.

List of NZ businesses registered to receive eInvoices [XLSX, 12 MB]


Let your trading partners know you're eInvoicing

Image einvoicing capable badgePromote that your business can send or receive eInvoices by downloading the eInvoicing capable badge and adding it to your contracts and email signature.

Guide for using eInvoicing capable badge [PDF, 342 KB]

Download eInvoicing capable badge for email signature [PNG, 45 KB]

Last updated: 13 February 2025