eInvoicing growth metrics

The latest eInvoicing statistics for July 2024.

eInvoicing dashboard graphic. eInvoicing statistics for July 2024. Full descriptive breakdown of each chart below.

View larger versions of the charts and their corresponding data below.


  • Note: to allow timely publishing of this report, the monthly eInvoice volumes graph above will be one month behind until approximately November 2024.

  • 22 large businesses provided ideas to support faster adoption of eInvoicing and the NZBN, through an eInvoicing Adoption Leaders Group (eALG) member survey. The results of this survey will be shared with the members and the Minister for Small Business at the upcoming eALG event next month.

  • More central government agencies have been prioritising configuration and change management activities which will allow them to increase their eInvoice volumes.

  • MBIE presented on eInvoicing to approximately 150 businesses at IRD’s annual supplier hui.

  • MBIE continues to work with software providers to promote bulk registrations to remove barriers to small business adoption.

Businesses registered (monthly cumulative)

Chart image showing Businesses registered for the last 15 months. Full chart description and data table found below.
  • New businesses registered: 22,543 (+369)
  • Month-on-month growth: 1.7%

eInvoices received (monthly)

Chart image showing monthly eInvoices received from August 2023 to June 2024. Full chart description and table data found below.
  • Received this month: 8,344 (+86) +1%
  • Active senders: 525
  • Cumulative eInvoices received: 90,467

Central government agencies and businesses registered to receive eInvoices

Infographic showing the number of central government agencies and businesses registered to receive eInvoices. Full infographic description and data below.
Last updated: 07 August 2024