MBIE has the responsibility of overseeing New Zealand’s eInvoicing framework.
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Central Government agencies were tasked to be eInvoicing ‘receive’ capable this year and wider government are also encouraged to adopt the functionality.
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As eInvoicing rolls out across New Zealand – you can get your questions answered.
Two thirds of Kiwi businesses agree a new way of invoicing will reduce the risk of cyber hacking, cut admin time, speed up payments and improve cashflow, according to research commissioned by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Most business administrative processes have come a long way; from cheques to internet banking, from spreadsheets to cloud-based accounting. The next is invoicing.
For many businesses, invoicing can be an unproductive and time-consuming process.
You’ve probably heard about eInvoicing. Maybe you are already using it or think you are?
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